Welcome to The Spin Cycle!

The most unhinged, whacked out newsletter you'll ever read.

You’re probably looking at this stupid newsletter thinking “Why the fuck is this idiot doing a newsletter? What’s he gonna do? Rant and rave like a lunatic like he does on 𝕏?”

Well guess what…..that’s exactly what I’m going to do. This time in long form, and with some help from friends! (Expect Guest Authors in the future.)

For the first issue though, I want to give you guys a rare insight into what actually makes the demented little gears in my noggin turn. I’m gonna spare you the typical sad story that everyone has - single mom, drunk dad, grew up an only child, etc. (even though it’s accurate) because it’s a cliche, and I’m cheesy enough already.

All of those moments are just small footnotes compared to the moments that really shaped the belligerent, aggressive little goof you’ve come to know and love/hate. That, folks, is thanks to tons of failure, tons more mistakes, and just a splash of mental illness.

Let’s dive in….

This is clearly the face of a mental patient.

My name is Robert Herr. 

I’m the Founder and CEO of DLVR Logistics, host of The Washcast podcast, and now….the author of this silly fuckin’ newsletter.

The majority of my life, I was raised by my Mom as an only child. My sister is a decade older than me, and she lived with my grandparents after my mom and Dad moved away (she didn’t want to leave her school), and my parents eventually split a few years after I was born.

Most of my school life, I was one of the weirdo outcasts. I enjoyed learning. I was in a program for High IQ students, and really didn’t like the rigidity of a school structure outside of that. That only got worse in high school after I hit puberty. My ADHD was rampant, and at the time, then docs didn’t want to focus on that, and instead focused on the Mild Type 2 Bipolar case.

I was an overmedicated mess. I blew up like a beluga whale over the next few years thanks to Seroquel and a bunch of other unnecessary drugs, and eventually lost my confidence entirely. After a few years of misery,  I finally got sick enough of the rigidity that I ended up dropping out of school in 10th grade. 

THAT, however, was only the beginning. 

Look at this fuckin’ guy. Yellin’ at people with a stick in his hand. What a tool!

I spent the next couple of years after dropping out chasing a crazy dream of touring in a band. I worked with multiple local bands, none of which came to fruition - and went to promoting shows. Sadly, that never came to fruition either. 

Fast forward to 2013.

 I was given an opportunity, just after my 18th birthday, to work for a small artist development company in Las Vegas called Heavy Management, owned by John “Ducky” Slaughter. From there, I spent time doing social media work for some mid-level acts, a couple major rock acts like The Sick Puppies and Adelitas Way, and a few of the hottest DJ’s in Vegas. I was eventually offered the opportunity to head across the country, and see the industry in first person.

RIP John “Ducky” Slaughter

Obligatory Vegas sign pic, duh.

I left and headed off on my adventure to Las Vegas at the end of the year. My first time driving across the country, and I had a great friend traveling. We spent 3 days over the road to get to our destination, and that kickstarted the craziest few months of my life. Imagine being 18 years old being able to drink in the largest nightclubs in the country, watching your favorite bands from side stage every night, keeping pornstars for friends, and having unlimited access to all of the booze, pot, cocaine, and every other substance that a growing boy needs on-demand. 

View from the Eiffel tower the night we got back together. Photo by me.

New Year’s Eve was a doozy.

From single booking acts to residency level artists, I got to learn how certain parts of the industry work, and saw a lot of the complexities that make entertainment, as a whole, an entirely different animal.

That was my life for only a short span, however. I realized after a few months there, that this opportunity was not what I was promised, and I started making plans to head home and lick my wounds. I called my family, and my ex (who’d I’d left to go to Vegas), and worked out the plans. 

I flew my ex out, showed him a great time, got back together with him……and then got dumped the week after we got back. That one still stings a little. At least he enjoyed his free trip, right?

Career failure #1 was officially in the books.

The start of March 2014 began a new journey. I took my newly found adult film connections and started managing models. I was able to get my clients work with major studios, made my money, and after meeting my NEXT boyfriend, shut it down and moved on.

NOT my proudest moment.

That relationship would later end with me getting dumped RIGHT before he put his phone on airplane mode to fly home from college for the summer. 

Career failure #2 was technically in the books.

The logo for Static Wave U.S., my Artist Collective concept.

In 2015, I made my next career move.

A talent collective focused on small, independent artists. I formed the concept from a disdain for record labels’ ethics. Utilizing some of the connections I made while in Vegas, I built a small team, and headed off to networking events, including the Alternative Press Music Awards (shoutout Mike Shea for being an absolute gem of a human being), hoping to extend my network further. 

We created a small documentary film, titled “Breaking the Static” to announce the project, and a few weeks later, announced the signing of our first artist. A few months later, we signed a licensing deal for an independent film to include that artist on its soundtrack. Sounds like it was going great, right?

Well….not quite.

Myself and Static Wave co-founder Ryan Weaver at the 2015 APMAs

At that time, I also struggled with mental health issues, and began neglecting the duties of my job. Less than 2 months later, my firm was dropped by that artist and went under. 

Career failure #3 - ✅

At this point, I didn’t know what the hell to do. I didn’t know how a high school dropout like me was ever going to make a significant living without working for myself. Despite that, I trotted myself back off to the workforce - this time in an industry I never thought…..Health supplements

My time in the industry was short; less than 2 years. During that time though, I had gone from Part Time Sales Associate to Store Manager, and eventually to a DeFacto SSM role, helping oversee 10 other stores in our region. Once again though, the long dick of the universe had another plan.

The company I was working for had decided to sell off and shut down a ton of stores that “weren’t meeting expectations”, and unfortunately, the majority of my stores were on the chopping block. My mall stores had slowed down, and the shopping centers just weren’t getting traffic. We did the best we could with what we had, but in the grand scheme of things, it just wasn’t enough.

I took the loss, and within a few weeks, had started another position with a competitor, managing a store for them. Little did I know…..they would file for Chapter 11 bankruptcy later that year, and my store was once again on the chopping block. I knew that retail wasn’t for me anymore. Despite my best attempts to keep my stores open, brick and mortar was steadily declining, and I didn’t see a light at the end of the tunnel.

Failure #4 in full swing, y’all.

Little did I know, the next few years would see me working for one of the largest parcel carriers in the world - and kickstart my first serious business.

Through those years, I was lucky enough to be given the responsibility of managing for a relatively large contractor in our terminal. After he sold out to a cheapskate that wanted to buy his vehicles from a junkyard, I walked away, and DLVR Logistics was born.

Fast forward 2 years, and not only is my business planning to expand into multiple states in 2024 & 2025, but my podcast is officially launched, and the newsletter with it.

We’ve started building the blocks for Washcast Media Group, and this is just ONE of many more projects to come.

Will the 5th time be the charm? Fingers crossed 🤞

DLVR Logistics Logo

Official Washcast Logo

You know what this is. Don’t play dumb.

Well….. you’ve made it this far, THANK YOU.

Fact is, I could sit here and add a million more details to this post, and continue the story - but I’ve tortured you enough.

If you’ve enjoyed this, please consider sharing our publication with your friends. We have a TON of amazing content coming up with BOTH The Washcast and this newsletter, so make sure you’re subscribed to all of it - you won’t regret it.

P.S., if you guys could take a minute to look at this survey, it’d be appreciated! It takes less than 2 mins, and there’s no contact info required 😉 

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